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Dear Dr. Cherrye,

During an era of recession, divisiveness and so much more, how in the world can we lift our spirits? Thanksgiving is the season to reflect upon everything that we should be grateful for, but with so much hatred, evilness, and downright disregard for our fellowmen it’s depressing at times. I love reading your posts, so I’m coming to you for suggestions.

Dear Coming to You for Suggestions,


While I realize the state of our economy and the mindset of SOME during this time, I want to encourage you to look at the goodness that surrounds us daily. Observe the natural beauty of the trees, skies, birds and so much more. Each person must be responsible for boosting their self-esteem, and hope before we can reach down and pull others up.

Yes, sadly, we are living in divisive times. Thanksgiving is also the season for mid-term elections, so candidates were ‘slinging mud’ back and forth. If we are not able to avoid it, we must force ourselves to find our own sense of peace and happiness. Hang on to your ‘boot strings’ because Dr. Cherrye has a feeling these next two years will be no different, so I will give you, and other readers a few suggestions within this post in hopes people can use them to increase their hope and self care (especially mental state) for a better tomorrow.

Whenever I feel downtrodden, I usually begin to pray to God, the father. I am not perfect, but I know to whom I belong. While doing so, I begin to think of other ways to help myself pull through the toughest, darkest times in my life. Hopefully some of these suggestions will help get you and others through the Thanksgiving holiday.


*Exercising will surely help clear your mind. Try walking around the park, neighborhood and even your home (carve out a safe place), or just sit down on your favorite chair and exercise

*Meditate on positive things (past, present, or whatever you are looking forward to). Light a candle and just have quiet time for positive reflection.

*Tidy up your surroundings (inside and outside of your home – decluttering, and rearranging things will make you feel much better). I know first hand how difficult it can be to let go of things we never use, but suggestions within this reading may help encourage you.

*Surround yourself around positive people

*Avoid being around anyone who is negative and does not add to your comfort, joy and success

*Sip on your favorite tea or beverage as you unwind and reflect on positive thoughts

*Get a manicure/pedicure, or maybe just a fresh new hairstyle (if we look good, we feel good, too)

*Go to the spa – get a massage

*Be a positive light to others throughout the day. Compliment, smile and say kind words to co-workers and others

*Read uplifting materials (books, articles, quotes, and the like). See the article below.

I really enjoyed reading this article titled, ‘Hope for a Better Tomorrow’ written by Mark Skalberg on January 20, 2019. Please read it to determine if you are able to gain a ray of hope or gather ideas to support your journey of a brighter tomorrow. Some of what Skalberg shares within his writing may be helpful to you, and others.


Having children around can sometimes uplift your spirits. If you have small children, or grandchildren, get your favorite apron on and gather them in the kitchen for a fun evening of cooking and baking. And by all means, ensure that the little ones are decked in their apron gear, too.

Try preparing your favorite meals and desserts as you look for to Thanksgiving dinner. Share and prompt conversations about favorite traditions, and/or make some of your very own. Time spent with your favorite little ones will surely put a smile on your face. So, go ahead and grab your favorite cookbooks, and some simple, baking recipes for the children as well.

And, if you are an educator looking for great ideas, try thematic lessons. There are tons of educational lessons that will keep the children engaged in both academic learning and fun! If nothing else, share delightful books with your students. Your little ones may enjoy this best seller, ‘How to Catch a Turkey’.

Have a very happy, and blessed Thanksgiving!


I look forward to hearing your thoughts and opinions in the comment section below.


I have made it my mission to assist parents and educators in resolving the bullying issues children suffer. Offering your feedback and suggestions in the comment section could facilitate meaningful dialogue on this critical issue among ourselves and I encourage this. I will respond to each comment in a timely way. Should you wish to speak privately with me, please email me at and I will reply promptly.


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Please take advantage of my 3 Free resources by downloading them today. One of them includes my FREE Bullying Checklist. If you feel that your child has been bullied, please use the checklist to determine if your ‘gut feelings’ are accurate.

10 Replies to “Thanksgiving!”

    1. Thank you, Dennis. I am happy to learn that you are thankful this year, and for many reasons. Personally, I am thanking God for his mercy and grace in my life. His timing for things promised can and will be overwhelming in such a great way, and it’s ‘game on’ as I wait for my future blessings according to his will and purpose for my live.

      Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy your thanksgivings!

    1. Sherrill,
      I hope that my suggestions will make marked differences in the lives of those needing them. These are indeed stressful times, but we must persevere with hope. We are blessed more than we know.
      I am always happy to share positive messages.

      Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. You are very much welcome. I enjoy sharing uplifting messages. I truly hope that my viewing audiences will be blessed in some way large or small.

      Have a blessed day ahead, and thank you for stopping by.

      Happy Thanksgiving!

  1. Such an uplifting post Dr. Cherrye! You really eclipsed your message with that awesome apron too!

    Whether people are spending Thanksgiving alone or with family, it is important to reflect on what we are thankful for. We each have many blessings although it is all too easy to recall the difficult times and feel down. I’m one of those people who celebrate Thanksgiving alone – family is all dispersed and distance is not always easy to bridge, especially as we age. That’s just fine with me because I have a lifetime of memories to sustain me and I am blessed with a sound mind and make it a point to appreciate all that I have. As long as I can speak with my family on the phone or by chat, I never feel alone and we are all together in spirit.

    When I think of the many people who are unhoused, poorly fed and so desperately in need of a loving smile, I know, that I know, that I know – I am truly blessed!

    Happy Thanksgiving to all!

    1. Thank you, Linda. I am very proud on my apron. The eldest niece is very creative in her work designs.

      I agree with you. Personally, I’ve been reflecting on my thanksgivings (my blessings past and present). There are so very many to be grateful for that I’m unable to count them all, so the ones that I cherish best keeps me happy because they’re currently at the forefront of my mind.

      As I reflect on my most recent blessings, I’m reminded of how both my mom (once) and daughter (twice) rose above the COVID scares, but there’s so much more. I know that God wants us to always be grateful and thank HIM for his glory, mercy and grace on our lives, and I do. I’ll make a habit of thanking God more often in the future.

      Our thanksgiving will be very small, but cozy and happy this year as well. I feel so blessed to be cooking my own dinner this year, and having it blessed around our dining room table.
      – God is SO good!

      Happy Thanksgiving, Linda.

  2. Hi. I enjoyed reading your article. It was uplifting and positive. Thanks for everything that you do. Love, your Christian Sister, Mary Johnson 😊

    1. Oh, thank you so much, Mary. I really appreciate you reading my blog post and commenting, too. My goal is to help as many children and their families as I possibly can. In a society where we see so much negative, gloom and doom, it’s a true joy to uplift people. I want everyone to find a glimmer of hope and thanksgiving whenever they can.

      I love you, too. Be well!

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