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Dear Dr. Cherrye,

I need healthier choices for the benefit of my child’s mood. You see, my teenage son has suddenly become very moody. He is usually a happy go lucky kid and easy to have a good relationship with, so I am not sure what is going on. He does appear tired more often these days. I realize that as a mother it is up to me to make these decisions, but I need more help.

In addition, I have noticed dark circles under my son’s eyes, and I am alarmed! I have scheduled a doctor’s appointment to discuss with his pediatrician what I have observed. Because my son is growing older, he is embarrassed to continue seeing “a baby doctor”. These are his words – not mine.

It is getting closer to Spring Break, so the pediatrician’s schedule is filled up. Now, we must wait a couple of weeks before I can get him in. In the meantime, do you have ideas of what I can do to jump start my son toward better health? I am overly concerned, Dr. Cherrye.

Dear I am Overly Concerned,

Yes! You should be concerned if suddenly your son’s mood has changed and coupled with that you have noticed dark circles under his eyes. This is something that you cannot ignore.

Please note that Dr. Cherrye is not a medical doctor, but I know enough about dark circles under a teen’s eyes to help you. In my experience, dark circles under one’s eyes points toward some sort of deficiency. It is my strong guess that this deficiency may be ‘iron deficiency anemia’. If so, your statement “healthier choices for the benefit of my child’s mood” is on target.


You will want to take charge of your son’s meals by increasing carbohydrates. His plate should be colorful with as many lean proteins as possible. You will want to toss out the whites and add the wheats. When at the grocery, be sure to buy wheat breads, oats, quinoa rice, brown rice, and wheat noodles. Yes! Load up on the whole grains. These super foods along with as many greens that he may love will help improve his mood and brain health which is directly related to improved mood.

Nutritionists and Dieticians alike all promote the feel-food chemical called serotonin in our brains. Read this information written by Cleveland Clinic on Serotonin (2023) . 9500 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44195 /All Rights Reserved.


You may want to begin an iron supplement until you are able to get him into the doctor. Sounds like his blood levels are not normal. If so, he can be at an all-time low, health risk. Please take this seriously.

In addition to iron supplements, you will want to add a few other items to your son’s diet. Take notice of what he is eating, especially at school and when he is snacking. What you see could make you cringe. See if you can get him to add more fruits and veggies as alternative snacks. Talk to him about the severity of his health, and this will prompt him to make the necessary changes. Some of these items you may already have in your refrigerator, or pantry.

Dr. Cherrye realizes that most teens avoid salads, but I have found a great salad that includes pecans, avocados, pineapples, and shrimp. I mean, if we must eat more salads to get our greens in, having one this tasty may be enticing for him. Most people do not know that avocadoes are also referred to as a ‘super food’. Give these ingredients a try!


What about exercise? Does he play a sport? If not, you must get him moving. Get him off the sofa, cell phone and gaming. Find out what he loves best and support his endeavors.

Healthier choices for the benefit of your child’s mood are always a great idea!


I look forward to hearing your thoughts and opinions in the comment section below.


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2 Replies to “Healthier Choices for the Benefit of My Child’s Mood”

  1. I am impressed about the information and observation that has been presented about the young man with the dark circles under his eyes. I feel it is important that we take note of our children and of ourselves when our will body is indicating something is going on with our health.

    1. Yes, we must listen to our bodies as a major source of information alerting us of issues, and especially assisting our children toward better health and getting to their pediatricians for further assessments. Our children depend on us as their major ‘look-out’ supporters, don’t they? Let’s just hope that this young man will listen to mom and gets to his pediatrician for further medical evaluation.

      Thank you for stopping by, Elaine. I really appreciate your comments.

      Take Care,
      Dr. Cherrye

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