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Dear Dr. Cherrye,

Perhaps one may believe that we should be silent in our views about negative cultural biases in our environment, and perhaps silence is truly a golden virtue, however, why not maintain that we can gain a sense of moral strength and courage and still navigate successfully as we exonerate cultural differences positively, so all cultures, ethnicities and races of people can share the wealth of esteem they possess. As a mom, I do not want my child to experience bias the way I have in my life. Let’s just talk about it.

~ Let’s just talk about it ~

Dear Let’s just talk about it,

If you have your own thoughts and viewpoints about varying issues, its okay to proudly share them, because you have a voice and an opinion that should be heard as well. Just so long as you use social etiquette while remaining respectful to your audience, go ahead and share your suggestions. You are a self-assured and powerful individual who has beliefs that should be heard and considered, right?

An opinion, or the lack thereof should not be measured by the color of ones skin. Persons, regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, and culture have the right of expression without entrapments and power struggles. The right of expression can be explored through various channels such as life experiences, aesthetics and the arts, just to name a few.

Try consciously not to offend anyone, because offense should not be your aim; rather, your aim is to speak boldly and assuredly as you attempt to apportion your beliefs. Don’t just sit and let your feelings linger inside of you. If you do, you may never slumber peacefully, as you may find yourself tossing and turning through the night where your feelings explode and interrupt your sleep. If you find yourself not being able to slumber well, begin writing down your thoughts in an attempt to organize and not lose them during the mid-night hours. Writing may result in better thinking and preparing for smoother approaches to any subject. The goal is to communicate effectively.

Refuse to become subjected to the negative historical trends and issues that you may disagree with. Understanding must be gained regardless of the subjects and/or issues that drive systems. All races of people must take a stance to correct the wrongs that have been made, and/or the wrongs that some of us have allowed ourselves to shamefully partake in.

You will encounter those who strongly believe that they were and still should remain submissive to the status quo perhaps because they believe that some people are more important than they are. Refuse to own this monstrous ideology!

Advocate a sense of “take charge,” pride, and empowerment. When there are issues that you are in disagreement with, politely agree to disagree. You should be able to acknowledge your disagreements and be respectfully heard without a huge price to pay.

Don’t let others convince you to keep quiet until… , and then speak up. What a cowardly thought! In response, you can feel free to utter, “I believe that I can speak up and still get (whatever it is that you desire/or whatever point you need to make.”). Tell yourself that you are quite capable of fulfilling your tasks. If not, it isn’t meant to be. Believe that when you respond any other way, and without conviction, you’re not being true to yourself, and you have lessened your self-worth, and pride. And although there is always a right and wrong time to “strike” or make your move, one should never have to compromise his/her beliefs to gain friendship, an invitation to a party, or status quo.

Peer pressure is “alive and well” — don’t give in to it! In my opinion, some, in their attempt to please appease others, may forfeit their dignity and integrity as they may fear being accused of not being a “team player.” This is also called “peer pressure” in its purest form. Don’t become annihilated into a system of status quo dogma. Blatantly disapprove of this contemplation. Don’t become complacent and allow yourself to convert and get trapped into the subjectivity of power fights that would only prove to compromise your progress in making your point.

Human behavior is as complex and puzzling as a murder mystery gone unsolved. Just the very thought of not being able to pin-point the function of the behavior, can eat away at us at times. Don’t let the latter happen to you. One may never know what motivates another to act or react in given situations. We may never understand the root of behaviors, so we will have to recognize the complexities set before us, and realize that we have to meet individuals where they are in life while striving to “make our own positive mark” in life.

Understand that all people everywhere can learn to truly appreciate one another’s cultural differences, and learn from one another’s cultural expertise. But, we must understand where bias stems and how we can evaluate ourselves. Take a look at an article written by Psychological Genie (date unknown) titled: Understanding the Phenomena of Cultural Bias with Examples. All voices should be recognized in our communities as decision-making ideologies and trends are formed. Until then, we may never be able to work together in peace and harmony in our attempt to break down the evil walls and barriers of unhealthy power structures, inequalities, and prejudices that exist in our world. We must continue to believe that ALL people can work agreeably together even in our differences.


I look forward to hearing your thoughts and opinions in the comment section below.


I have made it my mission to assist parents and educators in resolving the bullying issues children suffer. Offering your feedback and suggestions in the comment section could facilitate meaningful dialogue on this critical issue among ourselves and I encourage this. I will respond to each comment in a timely way. Should you wish to speak privately with me, please email me at and I will reply promptly.


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